Sunday, August 7, 2011

Boost of Positive Energy for 8th August 2011

Rule of life: People either raise your positive energy or lower you to their negative energy.

When I was growing up my mother used to say "Bad association spoils useful habits." Of course being a teenager I would let that phrase go in one ear and out the other opting to hang with the "cool kids" even if that meant doing things that were against the law.

It is sometimes a challenge to see who is helping us be all that we can be and who is taking us off course. 

The challenge is to be mindful of who you are and in tune with your feelings to be aware if someone is taking you off your course. It may take a while to get good at this internal navigational system, but in time you will feel that negative energy coming from miles away and be able to head in the opposite direction.

Life is a blessing, don't waste it with negative people. 

