Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Stop chasing yourself

Worse is a man who is always chasing some ideal of a perfect self and missing the joy and wonder of experiencing the truth of himself.

I've realized lately how many times I've heard people going on about how they are going to do this when this happens and do that when that comes through. We all do. We chase. We chase ourselves and this imagined person who we think we should be yet everyday walk right past who we are in all it's joy and pain. All the beauty and ugliness of who we are.
I have a suggestion. Stop chasing yourself. Who you are right now is all you need to be. If you want to be something else know that you can become that vision but don't let the process of becoming that vision make you miss the joy of this moment.

Take a minute. Breathe in this moment. This moment once it's gone will never be again and that is worth celebrating.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Going With The Flow

I've decided to follow where the world is taking me and make the switch to blogging. I know I'm way late on the train but better to be on the train than left behind. Things are changing in this world at such a fast pace and as the 'King of Fashion and Soul' I wanted to make sure that I "Become Relevant" in the New World. I've decided to let the world know what  the 'King of Fashion and Soul' is thinking.
So let's all raise a glass and celebrate my journey into the New World. All aboard!!!!!!!!!!
More thoughts to come. But at this moment, I think it's best to just go with the flow and go check out "Cuntry Boi" the single on Youtube.