Friday, October 14, 2011

Face It Fear is the Real Issue

Not to keep bringing up "The Mountaintop" but I have to speak on something that the play mentions that I keeps coming up.
In the play Samuel L. Jackson does a decent job of portraying Martin Luther King but what stood out in the play was the line 'the one thing that makes us the same as humans is that we are all afraid.'
The more I examine reasons why I do what I do I see that fears do have a big role in those choices. Fear can make it so hard to ask that person out on a date. Fear can make it hard to write the first line of a play. Fear keeps some people stuck in jobs they hate for decades.
I know that I won't eradicate fear from my life but I am willing to take up the challenge to face it at every step. Life is too short to take it for granted. 

"He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how"- Nietzshe

That means if you know why you are alive and what your called to do then you can endure whatever obstacles or fears that step in your way.

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